Best Programming Courses with the latest Udemy coupon embedded.

Hacking with Swift 3 - Beginner to Pro - Build 22 iOS Apps

Learn how to code in iOS 10, and build amazing apps written by the award winning Swift programmer - Paul Hudson

Hacking with Swift 3 - Beginner to Pro - Build 22 iOS Apps

What Will I Learn?
  • Place your own amazing apps into the hands of thousands of people through the App Store
  • Become completely proficient with Swift 3 and iOS app development

  • 21.5 hours on-demand video
  • 62 Supplemental Resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion


iOS 11 and Xcode 9 - Complete Swift 4 & Objective-C Course

A Complete iOS 11 and Xcode 9 Course with Swift 4 & Objective-C.

iOS 11 and Xcode 9 - Complete Swift 4 & Objective-C Course

What Will I Learn?
  • Full understanding of Xcode 9 and all it has to offer
  • Learn how to program for IOS 11 to create your own apps
  • Create fully featured games
  • Be able to support all devices and screen sizes
  • Full explanation of all objects and functions within IOS 11 development
  • Develop in Objective-C and Swift 4
  • Earn revenue from your apps
  • Start a new career

  • 59 hours on-demand video
  • 245 Supplemental Resources
  • 4 Coding exercises
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion

  • You will need a Apple Mac computer or laptop
  • You will need the developer software Xcode 9


Curso completo de iOS 11 y Swift: de cero a experto con JB

El Curso más actualizado de iOS 11 y Swift 4 en español. Desarrollo completo de apps móviles para iPhone y iPad en Swift.

Curso completo de iOS 11 y Swift: de cero a experto con JB

What Will I Learn?
  • Conocer y saber utilizar Xcode 9
  • Saber utilizar Swift 4, el nuevo lenguaje de programación de Apple para iOS 11
  • Conocer los nuevos frameworks de desarrollo como PDFKit, CoreML, Vision, ARKit o MusicKit entre otros muchos más
  • Aprender en base no solo a los vídeos que muestran los frameworks básicos de desarrollo, si no a plantearse y resolver retos que se irán planteando durante el curso en forma de concursos y ejercicios adicionales.
  • Utilizar un control de versiones en forma de repositorio Github o Bitbucket
  • Saber documentarse y expandir conocimientos con frameworks avanzados como Core Graphics, Mobile Core Services, Core Data, CloudKit, AVFoundation...
  • Conocer nuevas formas de crear apps con funcionalidades como Drag and Drop, exclusivo de iOS 11

  • 56 hours on-demand video
  • 30 Articles
  • 41 Supplemental Resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Assignments
  • Certificate of Completion

Ultimate React Native - Easily Build iOS and Android Apps

Build your iOS and Android mobile apps easier and faster using JavaScript!

Ultimate React Native - Easily Build iOS and Android Apps

What Will I Learn?
  • Learn the basics of React Native
  • Understand in-depth what React Native is

  • 2.5 hours on-demand video
  • 2 Articles
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion

  • Basic React Knowledge
  • Basic HTML and JavaScript

Based from the latest 0.44 version!

Highly-skilled web and mobile app developers earn as much as $100,000+ a year. But how about you? Have you already developed an iOS or an Android mobile app before? 

If not yet, then I totally understand where you are coming from. I myself also had that same problem before. Even experienced programmers are having a hard time creating a single mobile application despite their many years in working in the IT industry. It still takes a lot of time, effort and skill to be able to develop and publish a simple app on Play Store and App Store. 

  • Is there a way to fast track the development process without sacrificing functionality and quality? 
  • Can you still produce an elegantly-looking mobile app without the pain of learning Java, Objective-C or Swift programming language? 
  • Would there be a way to just have one single code base for both iOS and Android? 
  • And is it possible to only use JavaScript for developing apps for iPhone, iPad and Android devices? 

BeyondFormulas: Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling

Learn all crucial Microsoft Excel Techniques & How to apply them to real-world business modeling problems.

BeyondFormulas: Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling

What Will I Learn?
  • Take any business problem, and solve it using structured (consulting-like) problem solving tools
  • Analyze data in excel using all of the most useful excel tools for real world data analysis
  • Get around excel like a pro with an excel keyboard shortcut game
  • Evaluate advanced scenarios and sensitivity analyses with your model in just a few steps
  • Most of this training is Excel version agnostic. A few lessons require: Windows PC Excel 2007+ or Mac Excel 2011+
  • Requires only a very basic understanding of Excel (getting around the ribbon, formatting and basic IF statements)
  • 8.5 hours on-demand video
  • 7 Articles
  • 3 Supplemental Resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion


DIY iOS Games: A Developer Guide - Anti Candy Crunch

The MATCH-4 Source Code.

DIY iOS Games: A Developer Guide - Anti Candy Crunch

What Will I Learn?
  • create their own version of Anti Candy Crunch - an iOS source code that is provided in the course
  • set up Facebook, Firebase, AdMob, Chartboost, iTunes Connect for their new version
  • submit their new version (reskin) of the source code to be published on the App Store
  • 2.5 hours on-demand video
  • 3 Supplemental Resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion
  • You need to have a Mac
  • You need to be enrolled in the Apple Developer Program
  • NO coding skills required

Aplicativos para iOS10 em Swift 3 e Xcode 8

Aprenda as melhores práticas para desenvolver um app nativo avançado para iOS utilizando o Xcode e Swift.

Aplicativos para iOS10 em Swift 3 e Xcode 8

*** PROMOÇÃO BLACK FRIDAY - Em Novembro, na compra de 3 cursos nossos você ganha o 4º! (Regras e informações no fim da descrição) ***

Já pensou em ampliar seus conhecimentos no desenvolvimento de apps para Iphone e Ipad? Aprenda vários atalhos e muitas soluções utilizando o Xcode em Linguagem Swift 3. Esse é, sem dúvida, o curso mais completo na internet no que se refere a Xcode em linguagem Swift 3!

Neste curso, procurei explicar detalhadamente os principais caminhos para se dominar o XCode e Swift 3 da forma mais clara e fácil possível. Através do curso você aplicará de imediato todo o conhecimento adquirido, afinal esse é o maior objetivo!

Através destas aulas, o aluno aprenderá do zero como utilizar os principais recursos básicos do Xcode e Swift 3. Além disso, o aluno dominará as listas (Table Views no iOS); aprenderá como trabalhar com estrutura de projeto MVC (Model-View-Controller), aprenderá como importar dados no formato JSON.

Iremos desenvolver do zero, passo a passo, um app que apresenta uma interface avançada com barras e menu de navegação. Outro ponto interessante é que o aluno aprenderá a desenvolver um app que se ajusta no Iphone e Ipad. Este curso é fundamental para todos os usuários entenderem as melhores práticas de como iniciar e programar o seu app para IOS 10.


Effective iOS & Android App Icon Design

In this course, learn how to design spectacular app launchers for both iOS & Android using Photoshop & Illustrator.

Effective iOS & Android App Icon Design

What Will I Learn?
  • Design & Deploy Effective App Launcher Icons
  • Design Android App Launchers
  • Design iOS App Launchers
  • Present App Launchers on 3D Phones
  • Understand Official iOS & Android App Launcher Specifications
  • Use Adobe Photoshop to Design App Launchers
  • Use Adobe Illustrator to Design App Launchers
  • 1 hour on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator

Who is the target audience?
  • Beginner to

iOS 10 & Swift 3: Mastering Table Views

The complete UITableView course is a must have course for all iOS developers!

iOS 10 & Swift 3: Mastering Table Views

What Will I Learn?
  • Confidently create dynamic table views
  • Have a deep understanding of the UITableView class
  • Create ultra responsive 60fps scrolling tables
  • Master the most essential of all UIKit classes

  • 5 hours on-demand video
  • 1 Article
  • 1 Supplemental Resource
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion

  • A basic understanding of the Swift programming language.
  • A Mac running Xcode 8 or later

If you're an iOS user then I can almost guarantee you've used a table view at least once today. UITableView is one of the most commonly used classes in iOS applications and with their speed and flexibility it's easy to see why!

Just take a look at Facebook, WhatsApp, Gmail, iOS notifications, Settings, Podcasts, Netflix, Amazon and so on and so on... they feature prominently in the vast majority of iOS applications. With this in mind, you would think they are easy to learn and well documented but, until now, this wasn't the case.

Current tutorials are littered with incomplete information and lack best practices. This course takes you through the ins and outs of UITableView and you'll come out of it confidently creating world class table views!


QuickChat 2.0 (WhatsApp like chat) iOS10 and Swift 3

Create real time chat application from the scratch! End to end encrypted chat application with call function!

QuickChat 2.0 (WhatsApp like chat) iOS10 and Swift 3

What Will I Learn?
  • Latest iOS and Swift 3
  • App to app calling like whatsapp
  • End to end Encryption
  • Photo, Video, Audio, Location messages
  • Learn to use Firebase backend
  • Dealing with JSON files
  • Learn how to send Push notifications
  • Learn Backendless backend service provider
  • Login with Social media account like Facebook
  • Integrate 3rd party code to your Applications
  • Bug fixing
  • Saving files on server and retrieving them
  • Saving files on device and retrieving them
  • Offline application functionality
  • User Location management and MapKit
  • Use the camera and photo library to take and store pictures/videos
  • At the end of this course you will have a real world application ready to post it to Appstore with full functionality as you would expect from real application
  • More than 140 lectures taking you step by step from beginning to the end where we will have cool chat application!
  • 25 hours on-demand video
  • Top-responding instructor 
  • 7 Articles
  • 2 Supplemental Resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion

  • You need to know how your way around in xCode
  • The course is designed for people with some knowledge in iOS programming with Swift
  • If you havent done any iOS development before, I advise you to take some beginner courses

Programmieren lernen: Swift von A bis Z

Wir lernen alles über die Programmiersprache Swift und benutzen unser Wissen für das Entwickeln von Apps für iOS.

Programmieren lernen: Swift von A bis Z
What Will I Learn?
  • Alle Aspekte der Programmiersprache Swift verstehen
  • Selbständig Programmcode für iOS Apps schreiben

  • 19 hours on-demand video
  • 4 Articles
  • 131 Supplemental Resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion

  • Mac oder PC mit OSX
  • Xcode

*Dieser Kurs ist in Xcode 7 mit Swift 2 produziert und wird nicht aktualisiert werden.*

Du willst alle über Apples Programmiersprache Swift lernen und dabei eigene tolle iOS Applikationen entwickeln?

Dann ist das hier der richtige Kurs für dich!

Wir haben all unser Wissen in einen praktischen Kurs gepackt, der sogar in the theoretischen Teilen immer einen beispielhaften Praxisbezug sucht und das Lernen damit kinderleicht macht!

Mit diesem Kurs lernst du alle Aspekte von Swift kennen und wirst dazu in der Lage sein deine eigenen iOS Apps mit Leichtigkeit selbst zu programmieren. Um das noch weiter zu erleichtern, werden wir viele praktische Anwendungen beispielhaft mit verschiedenen Projekten besprechen.

Es gibt hier kein Copy Paste von irgendwelchem Code den keiner versteht!

Wir wollen, dass unsere Studenten verstehen was sie schreiben und professionell mit den neu erlernten Dingen umgehen können. Damit legst du den Grundstein für eine erfolgreiche Karriere im Bereich der iOS Programmierung!

Wir wollen dir dabei helfen, indem wir alle wichtigen Dinge ausführlich erklären. Und solltest du dennoch weiter Fragen haben, stehen wir dir persönlich im Q&A Bereich auf Udemy zur Verfügung.

Du bekommst in diesem Kurs alle Ressourcen zur Verfügung gestellt. Das schließt auch Schritt für Schritt Source Code für alle unsere Projekte ein, sodass du immer den aktuellen Stand vergleichen kannst.

Dieser Kurs ist in Xcode 7 mit Swift 2 produziert und wird nicht aktualisiert werden.
Der praktische Teil des Kurses mit dem Entwickeln der Apps ist weiterhin komplett relevant und die entsprechenden Änderungen leicht realisierbar, in aller Regel automatisch durch Xcode korrigiert. Der einzige Part, der (in Teilen) nicht mehr ganz aktuell ist, sind die ersten Kapitel über die Theorie der Sprache, auch hier sind die Änderungen aber geringfügig.


Build React Native Apps for Android and iOS

create programs in React Native and develop apps for iOS and Android devices.

Build React Native Apps for Android and iOS

What Will I Learn?
  • Create React Native Projects
  • Write React Native Code for Android and iOS Development
  • Get the React Native Android Tools Setup
  • Get the React Native iOS Tools Setup

  • 5.5 hours on-demand video
  • 17 Articles
  • 10 Supplemental Resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion


Modern React with Redux

Master the fundamentals of React and Redux with this tutorial as you develop apps with React Router, Webpack, and ES6

Modern React with Redux

What Will I Learn?
  • Build amazing single page applications with React JS and Redux
  • Master fundamental concepts behind structuring Redux applications
  • Realize the power of building composable components
  • Be the engineer who explains how Redux works to everyone else, because you know the fundamentals so well
  • Become fluent in the toolchain supporting React, including NPM, Webpack, Babel, and ES6/ES2015 JavaScript syntax
  • 18 hours on-demand video
  • 9 Articles
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion
  • A Mac or Windows Computer
Who is the target audience?
  • Programmers looking to learn React
  • Developers who want to grow out of just using jQuery
  • Engineers who have researched React but have had trouble mastering some concepts

The Ultimate Swift 3 (iOS 10) Programming Course

The Ultimate Swift 3 (iOS 10) Programming Course - From Beginner To Pro.

The Ultimate Swift 3 (iOS 10) Programming Course

What Will I Learn?
  • Students will have mastered the basics of the Swift programming language
  • Students will be able to turn their idea for an app into a working iOS application
  • Students will be able to publish their own apps and start making money trough app sales
  • 7 hours on-demand video
  • 24 Supplemental Resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion

PowerPoint Presentation 1: Modern Slide Design and Animation

Design and Animate 20 stunning, modern PowerPoint presentation quick and easy along with Secret PowerPoint tips & tricks.

PowerPoint Presentation 1: Modern Slide Design and Animation

What Will I Learn?
  • Create Eye Catching, Modern PowerPoint presentations from scratch
  • Design 20+ Multipoint, Business Process flow and Timeline slides in PowerPoint
  • Lots of secret tips & tricks to create modern slides, quick & easy, so time consumption will never be a concern for you
  • Get lots of modern design elements like Icons, Vector images, Custom fonts, Mock-ups, Stock Images etc, & learn to import + edit them in PowerPoint
  • Add subtle, but smooth and Professional animation, transition effects to all the slides, you have designed in PowerPoint
  • Use Slide Layout and Slide Master for Efficient & fast Slide design process
  • Design and Animate a Minimalistic Title Slide
  • 6.5 hours on-demand video
  • 8 Articles
  • 2 Supplemental Resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Assignments
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Access to PowerPoint 2011 (Mac), 2013, 2016 or Office 365 latest version
  • Now the course is updated to suit for both Beginners and Intermediates in PowerPoint


Create Android and iOS App using HTML, CSS and JS

Start developing apps for Android & iOS just by writing code using HTML, CSS and JS with the Ionic Framework.

Create Android and iOS App using HTML, CSS and JS

What Will I Learn?
  • Set up development environment for Ionic Framework
  • Download and Install Ionic Framework and Prerequisites
  • Understand Basic Ionic Templates
  • Connecting Ionic Apps to
  • Interacting with
  • Test Apps in the Browser
  • Test Apps on the Real Devices
  • 2.5 hours on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Basic knowledge of HTML5, CSS and JS.
  • Very Basic knowledge of Angular.js is an additional advantage.
Who is the target audience?
Students and Professionals who have Web Development skills and want to develop mobile Apps as well.
Developers who wish to expand their skill set.
Students who want to start in Mobile App Development.


iOS 10 & Swift 3 - Complete Developer Course

A Complete iOS 10 and Xcode 8 Course with Swift 3

iOS 10 & Swift 3 - Complete Developer Course

What Will I Learn?
  • Full understanding of Xcode 8 and all it has to offer
  • Learn how to program for IOS 10 to create your own apps
  • Create fully featured games
  • Be able to support all devices and screen sizes
  • Full explanation of all objects and functions within IOS 10 development
  • Develop in Swift 3
  • Earn revenue from your apps
  • Start a new career

  • 29.5 hours on-demand video
  • 147 Supplemental Resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion

  • You will need a Apple Mac computer or laptop
  • You will need the developer software Xcode 8

Do You Want To Create Your Own iPhone and iPad iOS 10 Apps but are not sure where to start or even begin? Are you ready to jump right into the exciting world of mobile development but have little or no programming experience? Then this is the perfect course for you!

This iOS 10 & Swift 3 - Complete Developer Course will give you everything your need to start your new career in IOS 10 development, The course has been structured to support Swift 3, Teaching you all you need to know from creating your first project to Submitting to the AppStore.

Create Over 20 Real iOS 10 Applications throughout the course from fun and simple games to powerful utility apps using the native features of IOS 10 devices to help you understand the process of creating applications within Swift 3.

Create Sticker Pack Applications One of the many new features in iOS 10 create your own iMessage extensions and sticker pack applications.

Sell Your App to Millions of Users and earn extra revenue from Ad networks, Making money has never been so easy!

Not only do you get the best online IOS 10 development course online but you also get first class responsive support by email, Twitter or on the forums, So you can rest assure you have full guidance in your new career!

Why Choose This iOS 10 & Swift 3 Course?

Many programmers learning to create there first iOS 10 application often learn from a boring 300 paged book or a short online video tutorial and are often left with more questions they they asked! This iOS 10 & Swift 3 course teaches you from the ground up and i never leave you hanging as i support you through each and every step, i am there to assist you when you run into a problem in Xcode 8 and to offer any advice needed and before you know if you will have created your first iOS 10 app and will feel like everything your learned has stuck in your head.

Topics Covered:
  • Understanding Xcode 8, iOS 10, Interface Builder, Simulator and Project Types
  • Language basics and building blocks
  • Swift 3: Get to know the new updated language
  • Create over 20 real iOS 10 applications in both languages
  • All Objects, Actions and Outlets possible in App Development
  • Social Integration: Facebook, Twitter, SMS, Email and more
  • Storyboards and nib Files
  • Universal Support and Screen Size Support
  • Images and Sounds Integration
  • Playing and Streaming Video Support
  • Full Featured iOS 10 Apps
  • Earning Revenue Ad Networks
  • In App Purchases
  • Fun and Simple iOS 10 Games
  • Core Data Applications
  • Camera Support Applications
  • App Store Submission and Update Support
Who is the target audience?
  • Anyone who wants to develop apps
  • Anyone who wants to learn how to code
  • Anyone who is looking to freshen up there skills
  • Anyone who is looking to make money from IOS 10 Apps
  • Anyone looking for a new career

Build & Publish a Word Search Puzzle Game for iOS, no coding

Every Single step you need, assuming you know nothing, to get your puzzle game built and published to itunes app store.

Build & Publish a Word Search Puzzle Game for iOS, no coding

What Will I Learn?
  • Get your own puzzle game published in the iTunes app store
  • Make passive income from the 3 ad networks integrated within the app

  • a MAC computer or account

Thank you for your interest in this course, my name is Yohann, I will be your instructor.

With this course, you get the full source code of a classic word search game for iPhones and iPads. (iOS7 and iOS 8 beta ready, universal app)

The gameplay is simple & addictive. these are the main ingredients to make a successful game in the app store.

In this course, I show you every single steps you need to start, and I’m assuming you know nothing or very little,and I’m gonna help you succeed having your very own game, published in the itunes app store, without having to write not even one single line of code!

Since this source code comes with advertising banners you not only get an education but you also have the potential to make passive incomes from it.

Many of my students that took my courses, just like this course, made it to the top iTunes charts and they are now making a living out of creating mobile games!

This game source code costs hundreds of dollars on its own, and you’re getting it for free with this course. You can keep using this code and make dozens of games out of it. In the video lectures, I will create a word search puzzle with a halloween theme, but feel free to create your own, it could be anything you can imagine such as Christmas, Hanoukka, Kwanza, easter, any holidays or any topics you can think of. Your imagination has no limit!

This is a perfect way to start your mobile app business and this is a must-have app for anyone wanting to increase their app portfolio.

Make the right decision and join us now. I’ll see you in the classroom.

Who is the target audience?
  • people who wants to start their own business with little money
  • people wanting to increase their app portfolio
  • graphic designers who want to make their own business
  • side business and side entrepreneurs

Professional iOS App Development with Swift

Learn how to build a fully customized iOS app from scratch in 10 steps.

Professional iOS App Development with Swift

What Will I Learn?
  • create your own professional apps
  • use CoreData to store complex data
  • search a CoreData database
  • integrate iCloud into your apps
  • customise User Interfaces
  • customise ViewController Transitions
  • customise TableViews
  • perform tasks asynchronously

  • 4 hours on-demand video
  • 4 Supplemental Resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion

  • You should know the basics of the Swift programming language
  • You should be familiar with the basics of the Xcode IDE

In this course you will create a fully customised iOS 9 application called Quotes To Go from start to finish. Quotes to Go was created specifically to work as an example for this course and has already been downloaded from the Appstore by thousands of people around the world. So this is not just a simple demo application. This is a 100% real world app.

This course is for everyone who wants to learn more than the basics of iOS development. After watching this course you will have immersive knowledge about professional iOS development and advanced programming techniques.

Some of the highlights that we we are going to cover are:

  • custom ViewController transitions
  • TableView customisation
  • custom menues
  • CoreData database searches
  • asynchronous programming
  • iCloud integration
Who is the target audience?
  • Take this course if you want to create professional iOS Apps with a unique look and feel
  • to learn more about professional development techniques
  • to experience the development of a beautifully designed app from start to finish

iOS Development - App Monetization for Swift 3 & iOS 10

We learn about AdMob, the Facebook Audience Network, In App Purchases and other ways to monetize our applications.

iOS Development - App Monetization for Swift 3 & iOS 10

What Will I Learn?
  • Be sophisticated with different monetization options for iOS apps
  • Implement advertisements with Google AdMob
  • Implement advertisements with the Facebook Audience Network
  • Implement reward based video ads
  • Implement In App Purchases
  • Know about many other options of monetizing your applications
  • 3.5 hours on-demand video
  • 4 Articles
  • 15 Supplemental Resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion
  • A computer running macOS, capable of running Xcode 8
  • An Apple developer account will be needed to implement In App Purchases

React - Mastering Test and Behavior Driven Development

Upgrade your React skills with Test and Behavior Driven Development! Jest, Enzyme, Redux, middleware, ES6, & more!

React - Mastering Test and Behavior Driven Development

What Will I Learn?
  • How to use Test and Behavior Driven Development to build React applications.
  • The ability to discuss the approach of Test Driven Development with fellow software engineers.
  • How to build full React applications with thorough tests.
  • How to use libraries like Jest, Enzyme, and more to test React components.
  • How to use Redux in React applications, including asynchronous actions and middleware.
  • How to apply advanced es6 concepts to write more concise code.
  • How to extend React applications with third-party libraries.

  • 4.5 hours on-demand video
  • 8 Articles
  • 1 Supplemental Resource
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion

  • Some JavaScript experience would be ideal.
  • While not necessary, some React experience would help.

Become an in demand software engineer by taking this course on React as well as Test and Behavior Driven Development. As arguably the most popular web development framework today, learning React along with testing is a must. Knowing how to create React applications with thorough tests will open doors and jobs for you.

In this project-based course, you’ll learn how to build React and Redux applications in a test and behavior driven development approach. You’ll discover testing practices widely used in the industry today. And you’ll find out how to use notable testing libraries like Jest and Enzyme.

You will skyrocket to the top of the talent pool because you can write tests. Coding the apps is only half of the process. Knowing how to write tests is the other crucial skill looked for by top software companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and more.

In this course, first, you’ll get familiar with React by building an application from the start. Writing tests will guide the process as you use popular libraries like Jest by Facebook and Enzyme by Airbnb.

Second, you’ll build a more in-depth application with Redux in the behavior driven development approach. You’ll learn all the advanced techniques for testing asynchronous code, effective mocking, and beyond.

If you’ve gone through the the quick JavaScript and React tutorials online, then this course will take you to the next level.

Ready to step up your coding game? Excited to boost your skills? Then what you are waiting for? Let’s get started coding!

Who is the target audience?
  • Anyone who wants to learn how to thoroughly test React applications.
  • Someone with exposure to React applications.
  • Someone who is comfortable with JavaScript.
  • A developer who wants to refine their testing skills.



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