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QuickChat 2.0 (WhatsApp like chat) iOS10 and Swift 3

Create real time chat application from the scratch! End to end encrypted chat application with call function!

QuickChat 2.0 (WhatsApp like chat) iOS10 and Swift 3

What Will I Learn?
  • Latest iOS and Swift 3
  • App to app calling like whatsapp
  • End to end Encryption
  • Photo, Video, Audio, Location messages
  • Learn to use Firebase backend
  • Dealing with JSON files
  • Learn how to send Push notifications
  • Learn Backendless backend service provider
  • Login with Social media account like Facebook
  • Integrate 3rd party code to your Applications
  • Bug fixing
  • Saving files on server and retrieving them
  • Saving files on device and retrieving them
  • Offline application functionality
  • User Location management and MapKit
  • Use the camera and photo library to take and store pictures/videos
  • At the end of this course you will have a real world application ready to post it to Appstore with full functionality as you would expect from real application
  • More than 140 lectures taking you step by step from beginning to the end where we will have cool chat application!
  • 25 hours on-demand video
  • Top-responding instructor 
  • 7 Articles
  • 2 Supplemental Resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion

  • You need to know how your way around in xCode
  • The course is designed for people with some knowledge in iOS programming with Swift
  • If you havent done any iOS development before, I advise you to take some beginner courses

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